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Yoga Nidra / Podcast

"You're just fab - just in my office feeling drained and tight and wishing all my yoga nidra CDs weren't at home - then I thought you might have started pod-casting - and I was right - you have - feel all re-energised now - thank you"

"Thank you so much for your on-going emails. Although I cannot make your relaxation classes I use the download and find it wonderful. The rotataion of awareness is fantastic and is now an integral part of my time out and head space. Thank you!"

"I'm just in from a session of yoga nidra which I have started to offer at the church on a Tuesday evening, as you do on a Monday evening. I have a small but very committed group who love your cds and find them to be very beneficial." Minister of Unitarian Church

"I have worn out the CD you gave me - please can I have another one? It has helped me so much."

"I was off work due to panic attacks and staying with a friend in Cork. She gave me your CD. She had no idea where she picked it up. I found Yoga Nidra has helped me so much to relax and get back into sleeping properly."

"Thank you for giving me that CD it has helped me so much during my recent illness and treatment. I am really well now and feel the Yoga Nidra helped so much."


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