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Yoga for those of Restricted Mobility

These pages contain material harvested from a series of lectures and discussions led by Adrienne at EUY YogaZinal, Switzerland in 2009. 
Yoga during the Golden Years in this tutorial (1hr 36mins) Adrienne shares her experience of being inspired by her clients while teaching yoga to people of different abilities including people with Parkinsons, arthritis, stroke and the general consequences acquired with the accumulation of years

Please find in the folllowing pages
Disability Etiquette  Includes podcast and link to PDF files
An Evidence Base for the Intervention of Yoga in Advanced Years Includes podcast and link to PDF files
Discussion forum "Is Yoga for those of Restricted Mobility Yoga  at all?"
Discussion Forum"Yoga, when completely unable to move?"

Feedback and discussion is appreciated

   Zinal valley         views from our apartment in Zinal, Switzerland

Video of Seated Yoga

Images of Zinal