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Podcast: the Sun Meditations

Apologies for the state of this page!
In a recent update all the downloads disappeared (gasp)  they are in the state of repair at present - there but not yet checked that they are in the right order...

These meditations were recorded in Adrienne's classes where we have been learning the Sun Mantras and exploring the energies they describe.
Apologies for the quality of the recordings, this page is still under development. The use of external loudspeakes would be a benefit if they are available.
Three rounds; practice of the Salute to the Sun. In the first half round Adrienne names the pose, the Mantra and the translation; second half round she sings the mantra and names the pose; the futher two rounds she sings the mantras.


Three rounds of the Salute to the Sun recorded at the IYA Annual gathering in Maynooth 2010 followed by a 3/4 hr seated meditation on all 12 mantras

Posture 1: Prayer Pose; Om Mitraaya Namaha - Salutation to the Sun as the Friend of All; Anahat Chakra

Posture 2: Standing upward stretch; Om Ravaaya Namaha; Salutation to the Shining One; Vishudhi Chakra

Posture 3: Standing forward bend; Om Suryaya Namaha - Salutation to the Sun the one who Inspires Activity; Swadhisthana Chakra

Posture 4: Lunge by steping the right leg back as far as is reasonable; Om Banaave Namaha; Salutaion to the Sun the source of Illumination; Ajna Chakra
Posture 5: Down Dog; Om Khagaaya Namaha; Salutation to the Sun whos eems to travel through the sky giving us time and seasons

Posture 6: eight points on the floor, feet, knees, hands and if ppossible chin and chest; Om Pushney Namaha - Salutations to the giver of strength and nourishment. Golden Sun - breathing the life and nourishing vitality of the sun into your body; Manipura Chakra 

Posture 7: Cobra pose; Om Hiranayagarbhaaya Namah - Salutations to the Golden Cosmic Self - exploring the eternal-timeless-wisdom self, beyond the everyday; Swadisthana Chakra

Posture 8: Downward facing dog pose also called Mountain pose; Om Marichyay Namaha - Salutation to the Golden Rays of the Sun - seeking how to live every day from the strength of Inner Wisdom of the Golden Cosmic Self; Vishuddhi Chakra
Posture 9: lunge; Om Aditaya Namaha; Salutation to Aditi the Sun as Cosmic Mother - drawing the limitless caring creativity of the Cosmic Mother into the everyday; Ajna Chakra

Posture 10: Standing forward bend; Om Savitre Namaha; Salutation to the dawn, when the sun stimulates the beginning of the day; Swadhisthana Chakra

Posture 11: standing upward stretch; Om Arkaya Namaha; Salutation to the light and fire of the Sun; Vishuddhi Chakra

Posture 12: prayer pose; Om Bhaskaraya Namaha; Salutation to the Sun who guides us towards Enlightenment; Anahata Chakra


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Sun Salutation Mantras