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CPD Golden Opportunity '08

Irish Yoga Association Continuous Professional Development
"Golden Opportunity; wheelchairs+ yoga = you";

2nd Feb 2008; seminar faciliated by Adrienne Crowe and Mary Keogh

Feedback from yoga teachers that attended this seminar gives an idea of what a regular is like.
Read more about Adrienne's approach to Yoga for those with restricted mobility.
What inspired you most in this workshop?
  • the wonderful perception of the human spirit in everyone - the willingness to work through obstacles to achieve great things
  • the concept that Yoga is a personal journey and not just an asana session
  • simplicity and uncomplicated instructions (x 2) awareness of body parts, the fun and laughter - breaking down the barriers
  •  the power of simple movements
  • your dedication for the nees of others. I loved your approach and humour
  • your passion and knowlege
  • your openess and humour (x 2)
  • being with wheelchair dependant people and their interest in learning Yoga 
 What did you find useful?
  • the practical work and the group discussion - fantastic!
  • the practical work - the insightes afforded by Mary Keogh - the philosphical approach
  • new ideas for chair yoga (x 2)
  • insights into disability
  • lots of new movements and the Santa Breath... I'm going to teach that - they'll love it
  • the delivery of the workshop was evenly paced - it demonstrated the essence of the presence of ahimsa  non-violence.
  • disability awareness and educating the community about disability awareness
  • knowing that chair Yoga can be so beneficial and rewarding for both clients and teacher
  • the information 

What would you be most likely to pass on to others?

  • the laughing breath
  • the need for more opportunities for people with special needs to participate in Yoga classes (x 2)
  • try it!
  • seeing the person and working with them, opening the great possibilities by working at their pace, with love and respect
  • the message that as Yoga teachers we should have no fear of working with those less able bodied
  • the breathing exercises and I'll tell other teachers out there how people in wheelchairs need to be considered
  • the need to educate others on awareness of access and inclusion
  • to have the courage to teach people who use wheelchairs - to get rid of our fears - people have a bigger need than we realise
  • to be open to people with limited abilities
 10th Feb 2009

Last week I taught an active retired group, it was so short - just half an hour and they loved it! They were so enthusiastic and felt the benefit of the few exercises we did, yet it was so little! They want me to come next month.

 18th Feb 2009
I started to teach chair yoga in an active retirement group and they love it. I have 40 women at it!  Thank you so much for all your help and guidance with it. Your DVD was a great help in reminding me what to do. Monique Walshe